Success isn’t determined by the products we make.
ReWork Project provides a dignified employment opportunity with social support services for adults in our community who desire to work but are prevented by housing instability, mental illness and disability.
On any given night in Austin,
people live on the streets
individuals access homeless
services annually
3,000 – 5,000
students attending Austin schools are homeless
*Sources: City of Austin; Tx Homeless Education Office, Charles A. Dana Center
Homelessness changes you.
The physical toll can be painful. But it’s the
emotional and psychological effects that often
leave the most lasting scars.
Depression, anger, anxiety. Distrust and isolation.
Loss of self-worth. It’s no wonder you begin to
fade from who you truly are.
Our Solution
Escaping the grip of homelessness takes community and hard work. Men and women all over Austin want the opportunity for both. That’s why it also takes ReWork.
Our program helps homeless individuals transition to a path toward permanent housing. We provide participants hands-on training of various job and life skills through the making of handcrafted, outdoor wood products.
Who We Help
Homeless men and women in the Austin community who are looking to better their lives, grow spiritually and learn with us. No experience is necessary and we welcome everyone’s unique perspective and skills.
How we work
We promote a job-like atmosphere, requiring applications, regular hours and respect for coworkers. But we strive to be more than a workplace where participants earn money. They also earn dignity, confidence and friendships.

Allison began volunteering in 2012 and by 2013, she became full-time Director. Her dedication to our ReWorkers is fueled by her belief in the power of community and the idea that work can give a person confidence and dignity. She relies solely on donations for her salary and appreciates your support.
The struggle with homelessness can be overwhelming.
Community support is vital and everyone has something to offer.
One-time or recurring donations help fund ReWork Project, our equipment and everything we do.
Join us in our mission. Make friends, teach a skill or learn something new yourself. It all matters.
Our participants make products meant to be sold. They directly profit from every handmade piece.